Auction House Köln


Auktionen im Versteigerungslokal
Vereinsheim Wahner Wibbelstetze e.V.
Krieger-Straße 11
51147 Köln


from 8:00 a.m.

Start of the auction

All items are viewed from 8:00 a.m. to 10:00 a.m.

We start at 10 am with the auction of jewelry and watches. The auctioned items will be collected by us and handed over and collected at the end of the jewelry auction, probably around 11:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. Settlements during the current auction are possible to a limited extent.

After a short break, we start the technology auction. During this short break there is another opportunity to view the articles.

The bidder number will only be assigned upon presentation of a valid identification document including address entry, or in the case of another citizenship of the corresponding document plus confirmation of registration. Even if you present a business registration, we need a valid ID document!

Bidder numbers will not be issued or new customers will be registered during the current auction.


50.875080425554934, 7.1089111725176934



Date Day Branch office’s pawn officer
13.11.2024 Mittwoch Köln Schildergasse
11.12.2024 Mittwoch Köln Schildergasse
22.01.2025 Mittwoch Köln Schildergasse
19.02.2025 Mittwoch Köln Schildergasse
12.03.2025 Mittwoch Köln Schildergasse
16.04.2025 Mittwoch Köln Schildergasse
14.05.2025 Mittwoch Köln Schildergasse
18.06.2025 Mittwoch Köln Schildergasse
16.07.2025 Mittwoch Köln Schildergasse
13.08.2025 Mittwoch Köln Schildergasse
10.09.2025 Mittwoch Köln Schildergasse
08.10.2025 Mittwoch Köln Schildergasse
12.11.2025 Mittwoch Köln Schildergasse
17.12.2025 Mittwoch Köln Schildergasse